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Self Care

Self Care

Do you make yourself a priority? So many of us just… don’t.  We are busy. Oh that word “busy”. Have you ever counted how many times you hear this word in a day or even a week? Why do we wear this word like a badge of honor?

My favorite way to be pampered is going to get a massage. I went several years without one. I was even gifted one that I never used! What in the world?? I was too “busy”. I did not make this a priority and everything around me suffered; my health (my neck and back ached from spending time at my computer), my family (I am much nicer when I get to decompress), even my job (it is amazing how much energy you get from relieving stress). Luckily I had a good friend reinforce what I tell others and insisted I take a gifted massage and go. Well, I now go once a month and schedule the next one before I leave and put it in my calendar so it is a set appointment. This is totally worth the $45 I pay for this luxury. I can’t express the true value of this in so many aspects of my life.

As women we tend to take care of others, work hard at home, our jobs, helping at school, church, etc. We tend to put our needs last which sounds so noble, but is it?  We all want to be the best mom, wife, entrepreneur, or whatever roles we have and never taking the time to be recharged is in complete opposition of this mission. Do you believe this? Would you tell your best friend to make herself a priority and let her know how important that is? If you answered yes, and I hope you did, why do you tell yourself anything different?

So, what is your favorite way to unwind and be restored? A massage, facial, laying poolside, coffee or a meal with a good friend? What will you do today to make this a priority and get it on your calendar? Go, right now, and make this happen this week!

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